Thursday, 11 June 2015

New Generation nowadays try to look for family and friends on Social Networking Sites and neglect their own families and are quite rude to them.

 New Generation nowadays try to look for family and friends on Social Networking Sites and neglect their own families and are quite rude to them.

We Cannot make "Non-Mehrams" our Brothers And Sisters on social Networking sites ! Calling a Non-Mehram as your brother and sister willn't make them your Blood relation Brother/Sister !

How can you be Nice to your So called Brothers and sisters when you are rude with your real siblings whom Allah has chosen for you?

Doesn't your family deserves the best of You?
Shouldnt you be dutiful to the ones who sacrificed their happiness just to put a smile on your face?
Who care for you when you fall ill?
Who stand by you when difficulty befalls?

And yet you are nice with the strangers and mean to your own family !

Be Dutiful to your parents, love your brothers, care and protect your sisters !!

And stay away from such relations which make you neglectful towards your own families !

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